Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Weekend

This past weekend at Fairfield was very busy. We left Aston at 9am on Friday. From here we went to Mimi's park to try to tire Alex out. Thankfully it worked and he slept all the on the Turnpike and most of Rt 15. Then we hit McDonald's and then saw the Abuelos. At the Abuelos, Alex got to swing on the new swing and was moved to the "guest" room. Needless to say, Alex was not impressed with the new room and screamed almost every night.

On Saturday, Alex and I helped out Magnee and Pap at the New Oxford Market. Alex kept Magnee and Pap busy and in smiles, waving to all the cars and birds. In the afternoon, Alex played with Abuelo and we went to a Party at Alicia Duff's. We had a great time and were able to talk and catch up with a few people. Once we got back, Alex played with the Abuelos before heading to bed.

On Sunday, Everyone went to the Gettysburg Amphitheater for church. Alex was not interested in sitting and explored with Abuela. After the service, we all went to Friendly's were Alex woofed down sausage and home fries. Following a nap and some food, Alex played outside under the watchful eyes of the Abuelos and Mammaw. He loves being outside
and chasing Copper (puppy) around the yard. When Mammaw went to visit Aunt Janet , Alex, Abuelos and I jumped in the pool. This was Alex's first time in the pool this year. He loved it! He especially enjoyed splashing around. The last activity was after dinner, when we went to Mammaw's for dessert. Again, Alex loved playing outside and exploring EVERYTHING.

On Monday, Alex was a crankbutt. We were packed and ready to leave at 9:45am. We went to visit Magnee to say goodbye to her and Abuelos. Alex slept fairly well on the ride home but was very unhappy once he woke up. Nothing seemed to please him until 6pm when the tylenol kicked in. Needless to say, he and I were asleep at 7pm.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Change of Plans

Last night, Alex had a slight fever and so we decided to stay home, at least for the night. However, this morning, Alex was O.K. So we will try to head out later today to Fairfield.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

More Projects

2nd day of vacation and I have already been told I laugh a lot more. It is GREAT!!!

Today's Project was to order more pictures for my summer scrapbooking projects. Also found a way to share the pictures and allow for people to order them. Alex now has a "group" at

Now anyone who is interested can view the pictures, add their own, and order the pictures. Hopefully this will be healpful!

Well, tonight we are off for Fairfield to see family and friends. So I am off to pack and Tuesday I will have lots more stories.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

First Day of Vacation

So it is the first day of Summer Vacation and I am starting on my pet projects :)

First off, June was been super busy. We went to the Benner Family Reunion near Lancaster. Alex loved playing with the Abuelos and seeing all the animals.

Then it was Pat's Birthday weekend. The following weekend was Father's Day. A lot of good times :)

Now this week, I finished my 4th year at Sun Valley H.S., finished my Networks and Internet Applications class, finished the requirements for my Graduate Degree and started summer vacation.

Alex's big news, he is now officially on the cup. He only has 1 bottle and that is before bed. It seems to be working ok. And yesterday we went to DuPont Children's Hospital to see Dr. Cook (an ENT). Alex has fluid behind both ears and has some hearing loss. So, thankfully, Dr. Cook wants to put in ear tubes. However, that will not be done until August 1st. So we are praying that nothing major happens between then and now.

For a Pat update, he has been a SUPER trooper in helping out during this busy time. He is working hard at his Internship and is scrutinizing the life in a single practice.