Friday, January 30, 2009

Frosty the half snowman

Ever since Christmas with watching Frosty the Snowman on ABC, reading Frosty the Snowman, and receiving a Snowman kit from Mimi, with EVERY snow/flurry, Alex demands on making a snowman. However, the snow has not been quite the correct composition for good snowman making.

So, to help satisfy Alex, Pat took some of the snow from off the car on Wednesday and made Alex part of a snowman. Alex was very excited to add all the pieces and is constantly checking on the creation. Thankfully it will be cold for a while and we will not have to explain the melting factor :)
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On Monday, Abuelo came home early with a burnt right hand. He was taking coffee out to the Mexicans, slipped on some hidden ice and sloshed his hand with boiling coffee. He spent most of the morning, soaking his hand in cold water with Alex on his lap. Later, he got pain killers, burn cream, and bandages for his entire hand. At the moment, he has at least 4 HUGE blisters on the back of his hand and wrist and tiny blisters between his fingers.
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Chinese New Year

On Sunday, the 25th, we celebrated Chinese New Year (I need something to plan and decorate for). We made chinese latterns and a dragon, ate "interesting" chinese food (a first for me and Alex), set off fireworks, and then paraded through the house in the dragon to welcome good luck. Overall, it was a fun family adventure and Alex still parades around his room in the dragon for any "spookys".
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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Light snow

On January 19th, we got a light snow. Thankfully, this time, Pat was not in DC and could safely enjoy the snow with us. Alex did some more sledding but is still disappointed that he can't make a Frosty the Snowman.
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Puppy Love

On MLK JR. Day, Alex and I gave Daddy a break and went with Aunt Laurie, Rachel and Josh to visit Miss Catherine. Miss Catherine has rescued a Australian Shephard dog that just had 3 puppies. Alex enjoyed seeing the puppies but quickly got bored. However, he became FASCINATED with the cage and pretended he was Diego and rescued the puppies. Alex spent more time in that cage than out :)
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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Just one of those days...

When you wondered how you survived growing up. Friday, I left Alex alone up stairs for 5 minutes. During those 5 crazy minutes, Alex grabs his safety scissors and squishy pillow, cuts it open and then drags it across his room and the hallway leaving a trail of TINY balls EVERYWHERE. When I got up stairs, I scared him fairly well with a no scissors mantra(I'm such a mean mommy), made him stand in the hall while I got the vaccuum, and then made him vaccuum up the mess.
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The past few storms have brought a lot of ice to the Fairfield region and not a lot of thaw. However, it has given Alex and I a chance to pick up fallen limbs for kindling and me a chance to take pictures of the precious winter wonderland.

To see more...check out the updated Landscapes Web Album
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Team GeoTrax

Ever since we got the free DVD of Geotrax cartoons last year, Alex has been fascinated with trains. For Christmas, he received his first remote trains (a fire engine and other) and tracks. We are slowly expanding and the excitement is constantly growing :)
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3 Kings Day

With Christmas and New Year's behind us, it has been hard to slow down and keep the excitement. So... we decided to do the Spanish celebration of 3 Kings Day. We put out our shoes and food for the 3 Kings. Alex and I made a piƱata and Abuela and Alex broke it. We decorated crowns, Abuelo sang "We 3 Kings", and had the special bread with a sweet chocolately treat. We watched Dora and Diego's 3 Kings Day special at 8pm and finally, enjoyed the presents left by the Kings. Overall, it was a fun family night :)

More pictures can be found in the Web Album

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Walk in the woods

With all the things happening at the farms, we decided to trek up the mountain and see if we could get any decent shots to show people. The views are spectactular from different places on the lots and Alex really enjoyed climbing the rocks. And did we have a GREAT nap after the walk :)
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Monday, January 5, 2009

January to date...

New Year's Eve was BUSY! We started off fairly quiet in the morning and then Becky W. and Jessie D. joined us for lunch. It was a great time to chat and just hang out. Alex did really well and even sat at the table with us and ate. However, around 2ish (before nap time), Alex used his potty by himself but did not put his pants back on. He did don his fireman hat and ran around the kitchen screaming FIRE, FIRE, FIRE. This really impressed Jessie; especially, when he hid under the table as I came at him with his pants. Thankfully, I was able to get him dressed and Abuela came home to put him down for a nap.

Then, in the evening, we went to Uncle Steve and Aunt Laurie's house and then the Mosser house. Both places, Alex was accosted by dogs and at the Mosser house, climbed into a dog cage to be safe ;)

On New Year's Day, I cashed in my "family event" card for the month and we all went to Magnee and Pap's to watch the Rose Bowl. The outcome wasn't what we wanted but the food was good and the company well....wasn't too happy :)

After has been a quiet and relaxing weekend. However, January seems to be filling up with events :)