Wednesday, April 23, 2008

New Video

So I have been playing around on the Internet again, shocking, I know.. but I found this cool website that I will be using with my students.

I was able to create this cool video with Alex's still pictures. It's great! Check it out on the video bar.

Monday, April 21, 2008


On Sunday, Abuelos came to visit Alex. Alex had a slight fever but seemed to be very active. Every toy was displayed and played with good times for all. It was a fun day and Alex is excited to do it again this weekend!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

crazy week

Monday was probably a quiet start for the week but it soon ended there. Tuesday, I had Spanish training in Drexel Hill and that evening, the building across the lawn had a fire. So that was a busy night and left Alex new phrases like: Fire outside, Baby outside, baby safe, Alex share, Fire out, John fix.

After that it was catch up... even into the weekend. Thankfully it has been beautiful the past few days and Alex has been able to run off some of his excess energy.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Hunter's Birthday Party

Hunter, from daycare, had a birthday party today at Moonbounce Adventure. Attending from day care were Hunter, Danny, AJ, Nick, Avery and Alex. The boys had a BLAST! They went crazy running around, hopping on moonbounce, hopping off moonbounces, and other mayhem. It was great to see :)
This mommy's proudest moment was when Alex conquered the HUGE moonslide on his own. Normally, Pat would take him up or wanted to help him go up. But after being scolded by Mommy, Daddy let Alex attempt it on his own. The first time it was a little painful to watch Alex struggle up the on the moonbounce and then climb the stairs. However, the big victory was his GIGANTIC smile coming down and his instant run to do it all again (but more smoothly). My little man is growing up fast...
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Birthday with the Carrs

On Sunday, the 6th, Mimi, Gramps, Megan, and Katie joined us for spaghetti and cupcakes. A good time was had by all :)
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Garnet Valley Park

It seems that every Saturday Alex refuses to take a nap. So we end up going to the Park and he inevitably falls asleep on the drive there and wakes up to play. He REALLY loves playing in the stones; so this time I brought a tractor and we learned that there is more to tractors that driving around. Overall, a good fun time :)
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Updated Stats for a 2 year old

It's hard to believe the change in 2 years. Alex has truly outgrown Rubble and the Duck!

From his 2 year check up, Alex has weighted in at 30.5 lbs (85%), is 34.25 in. tall (45%), and has a head circumference of 19.5 in. (75%).

Friday, April 4, 2008


More pictures were added to the Birthday web album. Enjoy!


On Wednesday (when Pat doesn't have any classes), we took Alex to Bette's Family fun center. For $5, Alex spent an hour running around and playing in moonbounces, slides, video games, and a kitchen set. He REALLY had a great time and the only way we could get him out was with the thought of going for food.
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2nd Birthday

Alex had a decent 2nd birthday. He slept with Mommy and Daddy and got out of bed around 6:30am. Alex then opened and played with a few presents and talked to Abuela and Abuelo. Then he went to Tara's and received a very cool tractor. Alex also brought Jello to share with everyone. After a good nap, Mommy picked up Alex and Alex drove the car once we got home. Once inside, Alex opened more presents and talked to Mommy's friend Becky W and Tia. He then watched Curious George (the movie). During the movie, he was able to sit in the living room and eat Chicken and Rice. For his 2nd brithday, Alex had a ice cream cake. Alex LOVED blowing out the candles and eating the cold vanilla ice cream with chocolate pretzels. After the movie, Alex spend some time walking around the apartment demanding "more presents". Thankfully, Alex had a card to open. After that amusement, Alex played with playdo and got a call from Mimi. Being very excited, Alex talked to Mimi but kept hanging up on her. During bath time, Mammaw called and sang Happy Birthday. That night, after reading his new books and singing songs, Alex fell asleep around 9:30pm.

(why did I cover his day like this... so I will remember how it went when I scrapbook it in July/August.)
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carefree pet?

As you read earlier, the Easter Bunny brought Alex 3 fish. 1 has gone the way of the toilet and we discovered last night that 1 is a pregnant female. After several babies were discovered, we decided to research. We found out that platty females have live births, can give birth several times, and the bigger fish will eat the baby fish unless the babies hide.

So to help the babies survive... I added more plants and food for them. Out of the many we had...we are down to 4....
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