Monday, December 31, 2007

Sleeping Issues

I am writing this while Alexander is in his bedroom screaming his head off. This has been going on for the past 45 minutes. He is absolutely exhausted but is fighting tooth and nail. This isn't too unusual except for the bonus issue of his ability to crawl out of his crib. We are not sure what to do!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas Morning

Here's a good shot of Alex Christmas morning. It took him a while to warm up to the present process. He had to drink his milk and wake up a bit first. Then he would open one present, play with it and then start on another present. After all was said and done, we do not think he had a favorite toy. He enjoyed playing with all of them!

Christmas in Fairfield

This is Alex and Abuela, on Boxing Day. After opening present Christmas morning in Aston, we drove out to Abuelos during nap time. Christmas evening was enjoyed with the Donaldson family and Alex received many great books and a big John Deer tractor. On Boxing day, we exchanged present with Abuelos and that evening went to Erin and Matt Rose's house to spend time with my Fairfield friends.
Thursday and Friday was a lot of visiting and playing with toys. On Saturday, we packed everything up and then went to Mammaw's in the evening. There we enjoyed a silly Pollyanna, where Alex almost came away with Exacto knives and a tape measure (thank you Rich for stealing that!). After a nice evening, we came home and are now trying to get our apartment/lives ready for the new year.
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Saturday, December 29, 2007

Pictures to come...

Tonight we got back from Fairfield after a nice 5 day visit :) I'll get the pictures updated tomorrow. At the moment, PSU is beating the Texas Aggies 24 to 17!!!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Carr Family

Last night we had Mimi, John, Michelle, Megan and Kate over for dinner. Alex took a while to warm up to everyone but at the end of the evening was giving hugs and kisses to everyone.

Overall, everyone seemed to have a nice time and overcame several illnesses. We were very glad everyone came and spent time with us!
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Saturday, December 22, 2007

Go figure

Alex has been doing real well with Christmas present until the past few days. Lately, he has decided that all presents are his and need to be opened asap. I have already re-wrapped/fixed 4 presents. It should be interesting tomorrow when he can really open the presents :)

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Monday, December 10, 2007

New Brother/Sister

Last night during dinner, we were all gathered around the dinner table eating pizza. And Pat asked Alex if wanted a brother or sister. With out blinking an eye, Alex said "yes" and went back to his pizza. Scary thing is...we think he understood the question :)

Sunday, December 9, 2007

So weird...

Today Alex and I took a nap. After putting him in his crib, he did his protest routine and I went to bed. After awhile the cry started to change to more of an angry hurt cry. I walk in, look in his crib and I do not see my little boy but hear him. I yell for Pat and look around the crib. Then I notice his crib sheet is moving. Somehow the little monkey had crawled under the sheet and couldn't figure a way out. So we rescued him, changed the crib sheet, and everyone went back for a nap.

Friday, December 7, 2007

1 Final Down

Pat had his first final to day. Now 2 more and a paper to go!

Tomorrow he starts his new hopefully that will help the tightness in his chest!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Christmas with a 20m old

Oh What Fun!
Alex is VERY much into Christmas. He loved coloring on all the Christmas cards and is absolutely fascinated by Christmas decorations.

Here are a few aneced0tes:

1. When Tara (Alex's sitter) put her Christmas Tree up, Alex dragged me over, made me sit next to the tree and point out all the ornaments.

2. Alex will say "Santa" and shrug his shoulders, as if asking "where is he?"

3. While playing with my singing Angel, Alex said Angel but pointed to the wings and said "Bird"

4. He really enjoys Christmas Lights. However, he insulted Pat and called the fake Christmas tree he bought a "bush".

5. Snowmen are referred to as "Men"

6. Alex really enjoys his Advent Calendar. Each night he places a new ornament on his very own tree.

7. Lately, before bed, Alex likes to turn on the radio to a Christmas station and dance.

No doubt the excitement and wonder will continue to grow.

Nov. to Fairfield

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I know I have been REALLY bad at blogging but here's the November picture/update. Before Thanksgiving, Pat had pneumonia and I broncitis. Thankfully, Alex stayed healthy. Then, on Thanksgiving, we went to Pat's Uncle Joe and Aunt Joan's house in NJ where Alex LOVED chasing Delancy around the house. After a nice evening there, Alex and I drove to visit my family in Fairfield while Pat stayed and studied.
While in Fairfield, Thursday night, Alex spiked a fever of 102. Luckily, motrin, tylenol and running around in a diaper at 2am helped bring that down. After that, he did well during the day and visited with the Donaldsons on Friday. Saturday, he ran a fever all day and learned to climb out of the pack 'n' play. Needless to say, he did not get a nap. So on the drive home, he slept from Gettysburg to Lancaster and then screamed to Aston. It was great... However, that Monday, we went to the Doctor's and he said it was just a cold... go figure...

Let it Snow!