Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I realized today that Sunday, I started to update this site but never finished..oppps!

So Saturday, Pat, Alex, and I visited the zoo. We went early and enjoyed having the zoo to ourselves (to some extent). Alex's favorite animal that day was the Peacock. There was one near the Penn house and Alex enjoyed talking to it. I don't know if it was due to Alex's chatter, but the bird would call to Alex and then opened up his feathers (check out the web album!). After the peacock and the polar bears, of course, we went to the children's area. There Alex took his first pony ride. He looked miserable riding but wanted back on as soon as he got off. Luckily it was cleaning time with the goat and Alex got to brush the goats. After a lot of hand washing, we had a small picnic near the pond. Alex did really well eating with all the distractions and then started to feed the geese his pretzels. On our way out of the park, we stopped in the small mammal area and saw a 2 toed sloth and then watched the tortoise labor around their area. Thankfully Alex was exhausted and fell asleep on the ride home
After Alex's nap, he and I visited Mimi and went to the pool while Pat studied. Alex loved the water and enjoyed showing Mimi how to play Humpty Dumpty. I believe a good time was had by all :) That nite, Alex went to slepe very easily!

Sunday... Alex and I were exhausted. Pat and Alex went to Mimi's to clean up stuff from her basement (5 year old stuff) and then we all just relaxed.
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Friday, June 20, 2008

Job update...again

It has been a little crazy with jobs here...

I got a tentative nod from Osbourn Park High School in Manassas, VA yesterday. It would be teaching Spanish 1 and 2 on a block schedule in a 2600 student high school.

On June 27th, I have an on site interview for Spring Grove for a Middle Level instructional technology position. And on June 30th, at Boonsboro High School, MD, there is a Spanish 1, 2, possible 3 teaching position open with interview.

So...Pat and I are stressed but Alex seems to be immune....he's constantly active, talking, and demanding :)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Today has been busy...

I finished up at Penn Delco for 2007-2008. The committee rewrote the Technology Benchmarks and created an assessment based on the benchmarks for exiting 12th graders.

Job wise...

I received a rejection letter from Cornwall Lebanon SD and set up a phone interview for Osbourn Park High School in Virginia for 11:30 am tomorrow.

Depending on the situation, if I am still at PDSD next year, I received my tentative schedule. They have me schedule to teach Spanish 1, 2H, 3H and 4H. 4 preps and 4Hs, I have never taught....

Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

While I am SUPER bored at work... I decided to update and add the Father's Day information (I will add pictures this evening).

In the morning, Pat opened his presents (surprise...another XBox 360 game! He's become sooo easy to shop for). And then Alex and I made Strawberry Vanilla pancakes and a chocolate chip cookie cake. The cake we took to Gramps' place. At Gramps', it was Gramps, Aunt Kate and us for lunch. Alex ran around Gramps' apartment and refused to eat too much. We said our goodbyes around 1:30pm and hoped that Alex would fall asleep in the car. Unfortunately this did not happen and Pat had to take Alex out for a ride. This time, Alex fell asleep (at 3:30 pm) and slept until 4:15 pm. The boys then went for a walk and I got the Father's Day dinner ready. After dinner, Alex reused to sleep (again) 'til 10:15 pm and woke up around 1:30 am for a bit.

Overall... a busy Father's Day!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Mimi's Pool

This afternoon, after Alex's nap, we decided to go to Mimi's pool to cool off.

Alex LOVED the water and quickly jumped in the baby pool. Then after a while he wanted in the big kids pool. We got his swimmies on and in he went. He enjoyed kicking, splashing, and playing Humpty Dumpty falling into the water. It was a good 2 hours trip and will hopefully leave him tired and ready for bed tonight :)

Friday, June 13, 2008

Jesus Loves Alex

Tonight, as I was rocking and singing Alex songs, we sang our normal songs "This little light of mine", "Little Birdy in a Tree, " "Johnny Appleseed, " "Abcs"......

The special moment came after I change "Jesus Loves me" to "Jesus loves Alex". As soon as I was done singing, Alex said "Jesus loves Alex" with a HUGE smile on his face. And then came "hug Jesus."

Gotta love toddler's thinking :)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Job update 6-12

Today I sent inquiries to 3 Virginia High Schools (Battlefield, Stonewall Jackson, and Osbourn Park...a little shocking for a Northerner!). Maryland also granted me a Advanced Professional Certificate to teach 7-12 Spanish. And I interviewed for a Classroom's For the Future Coach position at Cornwall-Lebanon School District (which would start August 18th).

Tomorrow is an interview with Spring Grove School District for a Middle Level Instructional Technology Position.

Thankfully all is in God's hands :)

Almost ER run

This morning I get a call from Pat, "I have to take Alex to the ER but it is really not that bad..."

Apparently, our little stinker pulled a chair over to the bookcase in our bedroom and found the gun to the SHOUT stain remover bottle. He then preceeded to spray himself with it. OF course it got into his eyes and hurt; so he started crying. Pat realized what happened, threw him into the shower to clean him off and then called Poison Control. Poison Control told Pat it would ok to ingest but not good for Alex's eyes and to take him to the ER or doctor. That's when I got the call.

When I got home, Alex was freshly changed and watching George. He excitedly told me he "sprayed" and took a shower. When I got the whole story from Pat and saw Alex's behavior, I called the Pediatrician and Pat talked to him. The doctor said as long as Alex wasn't crying or his eyes were swollen, he was ok and just to watch him.

So a ER trip adverted and everyone is safe :)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Today's Word

Is "NEED."

This morning Alex was telling Pat and I everything he needed. "I need tools." "I need candy." "I need more..." "I need play drums." "I need to play MORE drums, Mommy."

It was definitely worth a laugh :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

job update jobs update...

I did not get the job at SJU or F&M. However, I should have an interview for Cornwall-Lebanon SD and possibly Spring Grove SD for technology positions. Paperwork was also submitted to Prince George's County Public School District for Instructional Technology and Spanish Teaching positions.

Pat did not get the clerkship in Lancaster but is being prompted to turn in paperwork for the VA and Philly jobs. Also, he submitted an application for a position in Harrisburg for Rural Housing and Development.

Just a short update. Keep us in your prayers :)

Happy Birthday, Patboy!

33 years old :) Sunday we had a wonderful evening at Mimi's. Then today, he and I went to lunch at Applebee's and then this evening Pat and Alex opened presents. With the new xbox 360, Pat received more games (rock band and Rainbow 6 Las vegas 2). Both boys love Rock Band and the sleeping picture was just too good to pass up :)

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Can you tell the difference? We got a new camera this week and went from a 5mp to a 12mp. The sale was PERFECT and the bonus reward from UPromise and Discover shopping will also pay off.
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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Day with Daddy

Today Alex and Pat had the day to themselves, since Tara was closed. Alex was left a lone for a "short" amount of time and this is what Pat found:

Alex + Butt Cream = messy messy messy :)
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Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Alright... the web album to the left is updated with pictures from the Air Show.

Pat has a job offer at the Fairfax, VA immigration office.

And here's a link for a current video of Alex:

Drop a Comment and let me know what you think :)
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