Saturday, August 14, 2010

Brothers v Others



This week, I was in Mechanicsburg for Professional Development. On Monday, Mimi was with the boys, Tuesday, Pat and Wednesday, Abuela. I am very grateful for all the help!

On Tuesday... Pat's comment to me that evening--- 'I don't know how you are going to work with those two."
On Wednesday... Abuela --- 'Here's your key. I am going home to sleep.'

Great times!
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2 months

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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Connor Catch Up

Well... we started off the month with Alex getting strep throat. Two weeks later, Connor starts running a fever and the Doctor tells me he has a double ear infection. At 6 weeks old, he gets a shot of antibiotic and we go back the next day. The next day, the ears are not as clear as they are supposed to be. Poor Connor gets another shot and then has to go for blood work. Just as we get home from the hospital and McDonald's, the Doctor calls and tells me to take Connor to the ER right away because Connor's white blood cell count is too low. After 8 hrs in the ER, a spinal tap, urinalysis, and chest xray, everything appears clear, we are sent home, and go back on Saturday morning for a follow up. Saturday, Connors counts are slightly up but still low and his ear have improved. We then have a prescription and are sent on our merry way to check in on Monday.

Monday's blood work shows no improvement but the numbers stayed the same. However, Connor's ears got worse over Sunday and are back to being infected. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, Connor gets a shot of antibiotic until both ears are clear on Thursday. With both ears clear, Connor gets another prescription but breaks into a rash on his head that night. Friday afternoon, we are told to stop taking the medicine and come back in 2 weeks unless things get worse.

So, to celebrate a relatively healthy Connor, we were able to get him to smile and talk for a bit. Sorry for the shaky camera :(