Friday, May 30, 2008

jobs, jobs, jobs....

This week has been fairly busy...

Pat is back to least BarBri classes. Thankfully he is taking the classes at Widner which is only 10 minutes away. He has homework every night and day but seems to get most of it done before Alex and I get home. Tonight he is working on a practice test, creating flashcards, and biting his nails :)

Alex has been his usual weird self :) Thankfully he talks very plain and is coming out with complete sentences. The only annoying thing is today he picked up "Shut up, no more talking" from the babysitter. However, Tara did say Alex is the most polite child she has at daycare who always says please and thank you. Yea!

Ok....job front... a lot of applications have gone out for Pat and I... Pat has a phone interview for the Immigration Services on Monday at 1:30 pm. We both keep hoping for the Baltimore office but that is out of our hands. As for me... I have 11 more days in which I will wake up to my own alarm clock. Things have been super busy and frustrating at work but I will at least get a reprieve in a bit.

prayers, prayers, prayers :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You just think you can wait for your alarm clock, but Alex may have something else on his mind. ;)
Love ya, Dad